Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/262

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204 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 172. West Country Clock and Watchmakers (IX., p. 185, par. 154, et a?ite). — Mr. Pearse Chope's additional list will be welcomed by all who are interested in old clocks, the number of which, judging by the correspondence which I have received since my last communication, being much larger than would be supposed. I should like to particularly thank for their reports Miss Cresswell, Miss M. Hare, Mr. C. Biggs, Mr. F. Day, Mr. Elijah Chick, Colonel Croft Lyons, Mr. John M. Martin, Mr. G. Lyne, Mr. Prescott Row, the Rev. O. J. Reichel, Mr. A. J. P. Skinner, and Mr. Willis Watson. Several of the names in Mr. Pearse Chope's list are quite new to me. John Oatway's name I had come across before in Notes and Queries, lis., XII., p. 160, at which reference Mr. J. Landfear Lucas says, " a grandfather clock at Bideford bears the name John Oatway, Torrington," and asks "What was the date of this maker?" It is probable that this is the same John Oatway who Mr. Pearse Chope mentions as figuring in the Hartland Churchwardens' Accounts, and from which source I expect he can answer Mr. Lucas's question. The following names are additional to the lists already published : — Bickle, R. H., Bishop's Nympton ; Bradford, , Tiverton ; Bradford, , Drayford, Worlington, nr. Witheridge (the specimen seen had only an hour hand) ; Braund, John, Hatherleigh ; Brayley and Street, Bridgwater ; Bucknell, Ja'- Crediton (clock and watch) ; Chamberlain, Hen'- Tiverton ; Chasty, Robert, Hatherleigh ; Chasty, William, Teignmouth. I was assured by the owner of a clock by W. Chasty that he was a member of a well-known Teignmouth family of clock makers. I should be very grateful for reports of other examples. A correspondent writes that Robert Chasty " often permitted me to see him at work cutting cog-wheels, etc.," and that he " was an aged man when I knew him in the forties." Day, Christopher, South Molton ; Drake, R., Beaminster ; Follet, , Sidmouth ; Foster, James, Ashburton ; Fox, John, Alverton ; this name appears on the dial of a clock the movement of which bears the name " J. P. Vibert, Penzance." There is a village called Alverton near Penzance. Card, Henry, Exeter ; Gard, William^ Exeter ; Gaydon, J., Barnstaple ; Gould, , Bishop's