Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/266

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2o8 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 174. Destruction of Vermin. — The importance of the reduction of vermin has often been pressed upon farmers and is now universally recognised as of vital importance in the production of our food supply, but it is probably rare for a vestry meeting to pass such a resolution as follows : — " A Resolution in Vestry this gth day of April [ ] . It's unanimously agreed that Crows, Magpies, Red owls, fitches and foxes are animals very prejudicial to the Welfare of the Farmers and country in general we do agree to pay for killing the same the sum of Two pence for each Bird and fitch and the usual fee for foxes. Jos. Davie Bassett, John Caddy." The date is illegible, but as Mr. Davie took the name of Bassett in 1803, and the name appears to have been added by him to the plain signature Jos. Davie, the date would probably be about 1802-3. The bag recorded in the churchwardens' accounts in- cludes also a number of hedgehogs, several badgers, polecats, jays and sparrows. The "usual fee" for a fox was 2s. 6d., 5s. for a vixen. Incidentally it may be remarked that fitch, generally spelt " fitchay " or " ficthey," is a stoat, the weasel being known locally as a " vair," a word which has not yet been recorded in the Trans. Devon. Assoc, list of verbal provincialisms. Rouge-et-Noir. 175. Surname Prideaux. — Can any of your readers tell me why some members of this ancient west country family adopt, and, in some cases, insist on " Priddix " as the pronunciation of their patronymic, whilst others are content with the more usual French form ? Curiosus II. 176. Ammiell Weekes (VI., p. 154, par, 142.) — From Seaton Registers : — 1631. Ammiell, son of Georg Weekes and Jane his wife, baptized 6 November, being the Saboth day at evening prayer time. 1634. Jane, dau. of George Weekes and Jane his wife, bapt. 6 April. 1636. Josepe, son of George Weekes and Jane his wife, bapt. 4 December. A. J.P. S.