Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/280

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220 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Court of Canterbury. In Davies' History of Soiithampton, p. 302, it is stated among charitable bequests, " Mr. Bradsell gave to the vicar of Holy Rood £1 4s. yearly." In Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis the only one of the name noted is Francis Bradsell,//. gen. of Hants, who matriculated at New College, Oxford, in 1596, aet. 20, proceeded B.A. in 1600, M.A. 1602-3, B.D. i6ii,and was Rector of Stoke Bliss, Heref., 1604; of Enham, Hants, i6ii ; Vicar of Eling, 1613 ; Rector of Overton, 1614; and in 1619 was Vicar of Heavitree and Ottery St. Mary, Devon. Probably this Francis Bradsell was a brother of Christian, who married James Samborne. Samborne was a Puritan, and was the friend, tutor and feoffee of Sir Thomas Jervoise. He died in 1626-7, and his widow survived him, and was living at Upper Clatford, Hants, in 1637. Any information your readers can give as to the families of Bradsell, Bachiler or Samborne will be thankfully received. V. C. Sanborn. 187. Early Churchwardens' Account, St. Mary Major (Translation). — Account of John Sporier and John Root,* Wardens of the store of the Church of the Blessed Mary Major, Exeter. From the Feast of St. Michael Archangel, A.D. 1410, II Hen. [IV.] to the same Feast, A.D. 141 1, 12 Hen. [IV.] Arrears [Arr) The same render account of 33^- g^'^- arrears {i.e. Balance) from the last Account of the preceding year. Sum 33' ^Y' Fixed Rents {Reddif Ass') And of 13 4"'- rent from two shops in North Street, Exeter, which Ralph Swayn now holds. And of 13 from the tenement late Peter Trobrigge's in South Street, in the parish of Holy Trinity, which Thomas Eston now holds by deed (cartam) for a term of 58 years, this 12"* year from the giving of the same.

  • The early Churchwardens' Accounts of this parish were believed

to have been all destroyed by fire, but I came upon this one account written on a small roll of parchment) among the large collection of ancient deeds belonging to the Charity Feoffees. I have deposited in the Exeter City Library a transcript in Latin which some readers may care to compare with this translation. It is to be wished that all the Feoffees' Deeds could be transcribed in toio, as they contain many personal names and other particulars omitted in the MS. Schedule of this collection made by Samuel M. Cox, solicitor to the feoffees, in 1836.