Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/282

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222 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, In deficit of rent from the tenement formerly Andrew Lapflod's outside the East Gate 2=- 4"^- In deficit of rent from the tenement formerly Baldwin Bolle's, which used to yield 4'- but now yields no more than 2'- and thus there is a deficit of 2^- Sum 9'- 4*^- Expenses. For one flagon and threequart [s ?] of oil, bought, 21'^- For 4 lbs. of Paschal candle* (parschcandel) bought for saying Mattins on feast days in winter-time 6- For I lb. of green candle bought for Christmas night i^- For 12 lbs. of wax bought against the Feast of Easter 5'- thus at 5^^- per lb. For making up the same wax 6"^- For washing! of vestments and surplices y'^- For expenses gone^.to, about the rent of Baldwin BoUe, and (? swearing^ againsjt the Warden and College of Vicars Choral of the Cathedral Church of Exeter several items this year 6^- 8<^- For one flagon of wine for . . . of the church b^- For nails bought of Nicholas Ma [rschel] for the door- way above the bell tower and one little chest in the vestry, for placing the Church books [in] , viz. (? in) the altar there ^'^■ Item, to the same for one round plate of iron [disco few') for the Thurible, and i nail for the coffer that is in the vestry lo'^- For grease for the church bells this year i^"^- For I cord bought for the lamp V- For tile-stone (lapid' tegl) bought for repairing the church 5'- price per thousand 2'- 6'^- For carriage I5- For grease (unctur') bought for the west door of the church, S"^-

  • The great Paschal candle, a column of wax of exceptional size, stood

in a massive candlestick on the Gospel side of the High Altar. It was lighted with much ceremonial from the newly blessed fire on Easter morn, and remained in the sanctuary till Ascension Day. See Church- wardens' Accounts, Dr. C. J. Cox, pp. 60, 161. t Loc'oe, a contraction for lolione, a washing, commonly occurring in such accounts, is sometimes mis-rendered locatione, hire. I Jurat' cont'" (^contra) [or ?conc'"^ {concernend'.')']