Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/30

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12 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. land containing about fourteen acres of inheritance etc. lying and being in Tipton within ye parish and manour of Otiery St. Mary, co. Devon : parcell or portion of tithe of garbe corn and grain called Tipton-Mow in the par. and CO. aforesaid sometimes parcell of ye late dissolved Colledge of Ottery St. Mary : Three children viz : Samuel, Thomas and Elizabeth Izack : grandchildren Samuel Izack and John Izack : son S.iinuel Izack exo' (W.) Katherine Harris, Hannah Salter, Joseph Tuthill. Memo' my daughter Ann Oxnam. Proved 8 January 1700. (P.R. Bishop of Exeter). Samuel Izacke late of the City of Exeter, now in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, gentleman. To my brother John Izacke : my sister Rebecca Izacke and my brother Richard Izacke each £^0 : To my son Samuel Izacke ^500 at 21 : To my wife Mary Izacke whom I make ex" : A sum of money due to me in right of my former wife Ann Izacke from George Cary of Torr Abbey Esq"" brother of my said former wife : 'J'o Elizabeth Dennis daughter of Mr. John Dennis of St. Margaret, Westminster : Dated 17 Dec' 1741. (W.) John Dennis, Frances Dennis. Memo. To George Izacke and Ann Izacke my children by my former wife. Proved 3 August 1744 by Mary Izacke. (P.C.C. 194 Anstis). Elizabeth Isaacke of Rill, Ottery St. Mary, co. Devon : widdow : 10 Feby. 1617-8: Sons Richard, William, George; daughter Elizabeth: daughter-in-law Joane: Grace Isaacke daughter of William Isaacke my son : Catheren Isaacke : ffrances Broking my kinswoman : all rest of my goods to Thomas Bowdon whom I make whole and sole ex"' (W.) Michael Bussell, Willm Isaacke, Edward Bowden. Proved 18 flfeby, 1617. (Court of Archd. of Exeter). Inventory ;^20 los. I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. O. A. R. Murray for the Abstracts of Wills proved P.C.C, and for the entries from the Registers of St. Martin and St. Mary Major. A. J. P. Skinner.