Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/308

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242 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. It. one pare of billis [bellows] and a turner of grinding stone - - - -10 It. five stilling irons and on corn bag and on form 2 6 It. In the higher fore chamber two brass pots and one iron pot - - - - 10 o It. three brass Kittles on skillet and on pestell and Mortar - - - - -80 It. two pewter dishes & on flagon & three candle- sticks ..... It. on dissen [dozen] of tranchers & a salt box - It. in the Easter high chamber on tabell board and on form .... It. on bed and bedsted .... It. Three trunks and two boxes It. in the high back chamber on Argon [sic organ] & on spinet and on littel cabinet - It. In the loft on half hed bedsted & two boxes It fower score Argon pipes & Lumber in the house It. for old iron ..... It. for goods not seen and unpraysed It. for an organ at the Globe The whole sum is 40 15 3 Martha Rewallin. Richard Venner. Christopher Sandford. From this interesting inventory we may conclude that Rewallin was an actual builder of organs. The item "for an organ at the Globe " requires elucidating. The " Globe " was perhaps the Globe Inn, which still stands in the Cathedral Close. It has been suggested that as the resi- dences of the Vicars Choral of the Cathedral were close by that the Globe may have been used for practice purposes. It is doubtful, however, if the Globe in the Cathedral Close is of sufficient antiquity to sustain this conjecture. Dymond, in his Old Inns and Taverns of Exeter, is unable to date it back further than the first quarter of the eighteenth century. He contents himself with the statement that " the Globe in St. Mary's Yard existed as a Tavern at least as early as 1726." Miss Lega-Weekes, in Some Studies in the Topography of the Cathedral Close, Exeter, p. 180-1, refers to several early 2





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