Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/311

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 245 full-length portrait of Queen Anne, and the right-hand one the arms of Exeter, with the motto " Semper Fidelis." The first page contains " The Congratulatory Speech of William Bromley, Esq., Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons, to the Right Honourable Robert Harley, Esq., Chancellor of Her Majesty's Exchequer, upon his attending the Service of the House of Commons, on Thursday, the 26th of April, 171 1 ; together with the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Answer." This referred to his " Escape and Recovery from the barbarous and villanous Attempt made upon him by Sieur De Guiscard, a French Papist." Then follow some items of news, mostly foreign, received " by last Night's Post from London," and some other items relating to home aflfairs, dated London, April 28." The only entries of local interest are : — " Falmouth, April 30. Yesterday the Litchfield and York put in here with contrary Winds, bringing two Ships from India, but last from Ireland, under their Convoy. "Plymouth, May i. YestQxddiy soWed ih.e Experiment and Swiftsure to join Sir Havendon Walker, Rear- Admiral of the White, who is this evening off this Harbour, with about 40 Ships, standing to the Westward." The paper ends with a few local advertisements, which are of sufficient interest to be given in full : — " On Tuesday next, being the 8th Day of this Instant ]Iay, at Abraham Hole's Coflfee-House, in St. Peter's Church-Yard, will be sold by way of Auction a Catalogue of Choice Books, in Divinity, History and Law ; beginning at 5 a-Clock in the Afternoon. " " Dr. Richard Harness, Chyrurgeon, Oculist and ^Manual Operator, in above 30 years' Travels, may now constantly be spoken with at his Chambers in the several Towns following : Every Tuesday at the Lamb in Ottery St. Mary ; Every Wednesday at the 3 Tuns in Newton-Abbot : Every Saturday at the Swan in Crediton ; And every Mon- day, Thursday and Friday at the 3 Tuns by the Guild-Hall in Exon. ^^ His Pills are sold only by Mrs. Elizabeth May at Mr. Phil. Bishop's, Bookseller, over-against the Guild- Hall."