Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/327

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Index. 261 Arms 134; 45; 105, 59 Clutterbrooke, James, 166 Lovedy, 166 ; Sarah, 166 Clyst, 43, 44 ; Place Name, 20, 92. See also Clist St. Mary Clyverdon, Henry, 186 Coaching- in Devon, 195 Coal in Devonshire, 99 Coates, 22 Cobb (Cobbe, Cobbie), and Family of, 87, 122, i Cobley, , 136; John, Mary, 134 Cockey, W. (Plate I), 145, 147 Cockington, 105 ; Family and Arms of, 151 Cocktree, 23 ; Family and Arms 123, 151 Cockworthy, Thomasine. Family and Arms of, 151 Coddington Church, 159 Coffey, , 126 Coffin, , 133 ; Francis Coffin-shaped Tombs, 102 Cogan, Elizabeth, 11 ; Phill., 11 Coish, Betty, 2 ; John, 2 Cokington. See Cockington Colborne, Mabel, on the Vivians of Cornwall, 190 Colchester, 8r Colchurch. See Calchurch Cole, C, F., on Simon Grendon, 49 ; Family and Arms of, 87, 122, 150 Colebrooke Church, Coffin- shaped Tomb at, 102 Colehanger, 87 Colehays, 122 Coleridge, John, Wives of, 217 Coles, Richard, 218 Colloacombe, 87 CoUard, Elizabeth Charity, 96 Colle, John, 183 Collins, Arthur, 69 ; Digby, 57 ; Thurstan, 225 ; William, 70 ; Family of, 115 Collier, Thomas, 57 Collumpton. See Cullompton Colyton, the Great House, 199 ; Church, Pole Monument in, i Comb, 84 Combemartin Silver Mines, 128 Commins (Comins), , 138 ; J. (Plate 6), 148 Compton Family and Arms of, 105, 151 Comprigney, 189 Conant, Mary, 167 ; Richard, 167 Consecration. See Dedications and Consecrations Cooke, Dorothy, 37 ; Phillip, 37 Coombe-in-Teignhead Church, 117 Coplestone, Richard, 88 Coplestone, W. H., on "Notes on the Churches of the Dean- ery of Kenn," 217 Copplestone (Coplestone, Copp- leston). Family, 150, 217, 254 Cork-knife, the, 246 Cornish, Arthur, 20 Cornwall, 18 Cornwall, Richard Earl of, Patron of St. Buryan, 19 Coroner's Inquest. See " Crowned" Corporals, 223 Cortelega, Robert de, 184 Coryton, John, 225 Cosserat, , 194 Coswav, Richard, 224 CotleyYCotteleg), 184, 185 Cotley Castle, 216 Cottell (Cottle), John, 53 ; Mary, 6, 53 ; Thomas, 53 ; William, 53 Cottell, W. H., on Parish Register Inaccuracies, 53 Cotteleg. See Coiley Cotterell, Howard H., on West Country Pewterers, 145 Cotton, Edward, 7 ; William, Bp.,7 Couch, Ozias, 176 Coulson, Thomas Borlase, 20 Council of the Affairs of New Engand in Plymouth, co. Devon, 209 Countisbury, Blue Ball [Inn], the 247 ; Church Band, 253 ; Parish Accounts, 247 "County," on West Country Clock and Watch Makers, 30 Courtenay, Anne, 59 ; Elizabeth, 253 ; Francis, 253 ; Peter (Bp.), 117; Sir Peter, 59; Phillip, no ; Family, 28 Cox, Samuel M., 220; Stephen (Plate V), 148 Coxworthie, alias Browne, Agnes, 13 Crago, Joseph, 206 Crappinge, Elizabeth, 214