Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/330

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264 Index. Exeter : Ancient Building(Pres- ton Street), 4, 49 ; Bedford House, 48 ; Beseiged by the Parliament, 58 ; Castle, 31 ; Castle for the Canons of St. Mary, 185 ; City Library : MS. Collections towards a list of Devonshire and Corn- wall Incumbents in the, 193; Coffee Houses : Abraham Hole's, 244 ; Exchange, 244 ; Moll's and Swale's, 100; Deeds relating- to, 193 ; Depicted on Carew-Mohun Chimneypiece, 233-9 J Diocesan Architectural and Archasological Society, 113; Guildhall, the, 189; Herald, 195; Heraldry: Ar- morial Bearing at the Abbots Lodge, 97 ; Hospitium de le Egle, 215; Inns: Clarence Hotel, 194 ; Globe, the, 216, 242; Topsham Inn, 115; 3 Tuns by the Guildhall, 245 ; Mercury, or Weekly Iiitelligence ofNe1VS,2^^ Mummersat,228; Museum : Musical Instruments in, 149 ; Watches by Devon- shire Makers in, 206 ; News- papers, 243-7 > Northgate St., 171 ; Plague in, 32 ; Post Boy, the, 244; Receiver, the last, 194; Rocks-lane, 246 ; St. Nicholas Priory, Payment to Vicar of Pinhoe, 240 ; Streets : Lane or Triangle leading from the Cemetery of St. Peters to the Church of St. Petroc, 221 Cathedral Church: 117, 160; DogWhipper, The, 176 ; Episcopal Registers, 61 ; Library, 176, 195 ; Liturgical MS. discovered in, 33 ; MSS. presented to the Bod- leian Library, 139 Cathedral Church Close : 215; Bokerel, 189, 216; Bounds of, 216 ; Cemetery, 216 ; " Egge" or " Eygge " in, 188; 'Littel Style,' 188 ; " Margeria, The," 189, 215 Churches : St. Kerrian, 3 ; St. Martin's, 194 ; St. Mary Major, Churchwarden's Ac- counts, 220, 239 ; St. Pet- rock's, 3, 189, Exmouth, Landing of Danes at, 240 Experiment, 245 " Extractus," on "Crowned," 159 Fairchild, William, 20 Fairfax in Devon, 59 Fairmile, 199 Falaise, William de, 248 Fallapit, 99 Farley, Sam., 134 Faryngdon, Chantry Lands and Church House in, 21 Felon's Goods, 37 Fen Ottery, 37, 40, 42 Ferrers, 104 ; Alice, 85 ; Alice de, 105 ; Sir Fulk, 85, 104, 105 ; Gilbert de, 105 ; John, 6 ; Nich., 6 ; Family and Arms of, 85, 121, J50 Ferris, J. (Plate V), 148 ; J. and Co., 148 Ferrour, Hugh, 221 Fewing's Tenement, 22 Field Names in Kentisbeare, 29 Fire Hooks at Truro, 73 Fireplaces in Church Pews, 118 Fires. See Hemyock First Virginia Colony, 210 Fisherwicke, 89 Fishguard, Landing of French at, 13 Fitch, 208 Fitz Payn, Robert, 184 Fitzhamon Family, 96 Five Weeches (Wey), 24 Fluxton, 11 Foalus, Florentia, 206 FoUet (Follett, Folyot), , 204 ; Florence, 205 ; Lucy, 104 ; Richard, 104 Ford, 171 ; Elizabeth, 43 ; Nath., 246 Fortescue Arms, 99 Foster, James, 204 Fothergill (Fothergills), (Plate II), 147 Fox, Charles, 135; John, 204,206 France, Place Name, 29 Francis, John, on West Country Clock and Watch Makers, 30 Frankes Tenement, 11 Franklin, Jenkin, 87 Frederick, Judith, 180; Sir John, 180 French, , 207