Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/336

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270 Index. Maurice, P. F,, 130 Mauste, John de, 19 Mawnan, 22 May, Elizabeth, 245 ; George, 132 Maynard, David, 19 ; James, 39 ; John, 80 ; Mary, 39 Mayoral Elections in Churches, 18,43 Mease, Mathew (Plate VI), 148 Medal, Issued by Strode, 178, 21S ; Leaden, struck by Sir William Strode in 1660, 178 Medenta, John de, 19 Medentor, Matthew de, 19 •' Memoriale Presbyterorum Par- ochialum," 36 Mercer, Ann, 8 ; John, 41 ; Thomas, 8 ; Family of, 164, 250 Merchant, Thomas, 71 Merchants' Marks, 89, 219 Merefield, 64 Merionethshire, Mines in, 78 Midwinter, John, 9 ; Mary, 9 Minifie, Eliz., 246 Miggle Hill, Field Name, 29 ; Mines : Cornish Copper Mines, 78 ; in Devonshire, 78 ; in Keswick, 78 ; in Merioneth- shire, 78 ; in Ireland held by the Edgcumb Family, 78. See also Lead Mines, Tin Mines, etc. Mischell, Christopher, 31 Missal of St. Mariy-n's, 50 Mitchell, George, 166 ; James, 147 ; Lovedy, 166 Mohun, Reginald de, 86 ; Family of, 233. See Carew-Mohun Moleyns (Molyneux,) Adam (Bp.), 20 Molford, Amy, 93 ; Cislly, 93 ; John, 93 ; Susan, 93 ; Thom- asine, 93 Monk, Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, 254 Moore, Elizabeth, 157, 170, 171 ; John, 166, 171 ; Mary, 157 Morcombe, , 187 ; John, 186 Moretonhampstead Church, Sav- ery Memorials in, 31 Morgan, Hugh, 156; William, 156 Mortehoe Church, 118 Mortimer (Mortymore), 148 ; Susanna, 159 Morwenstowe, 64 Moses, Humphrey, 156, 157 Moulton Church, 159 Mountney, Ann, 10 ; Benjamin, 9 Mudge, John, 134, 196 Mules Family, 121 Mummers, The Silverton, 228 Munckley, Mary, 48 Mundy, Matthew, 95 ; Family of, 39 Murch, F., 129 Murray, Rev. , 20 Music. See Church Bands Mylor, 187 Narracott (Narcott, Norocott, Narakott, Norkote), Family of, 190, 214 Naval Passing Board Certifi- cates, 17 Nethertown Farm, 161 Nettlecombe, 54, 55 New, George, 219 New England in Plymouth, co. Devon, Seal of the Council for the Affairs of, 209 New Gatties of Patience, 250 Newcombe, Robert Lydston, 25 Newfoundland, 120 Newman, George, 205 Newnham House, 110 Newspaper, The First Devon- shire, 243 Newspapers, North Devon Her- ald, 69 Newton-Abbot, 3 Tuns [Inn], 245 Nawton Ferrers, 6, 57 ; Devon, 57 ; near Callington, Corn- wall, 57 Newton Poppleford Church Band, 124 Newton St. Cyres Church, 117 Nibley, Field Name, 29 Nodbeer, Field Name, 29 Noper, Dog, 176 Norkote. See Narracott Normandy , Yew Trees in Church- yards of, 248 North Devon Herald, 69 North Molton, 171 ; Woollen Merchants' Marks, 219 North Tamerton, 194 North Wyke, 24, 124 Northcott, Mary, 167 Northly, Dorothy, 94 ; Elizabeth, 94 Northmore, Thomas, 61, loi Northweek (Northweeke), 22, 24 Northwich, 44