Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/48

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30 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Catshayes, Long Wade, Alson Rew, J. B. Chaplin, Rue Tins, Buller Tree, Holmeads, Shorland. Can a "Lawn" or other glebes be connected with " Llan " as suggested ? I have walked over nearly all the land but have not been greatly enlightened : it is a case for a comparison of names in different parishes. E. S. Chalk. 25. West Country Clock and Watch Makers (VIL, p. 242, par. 169; VIIL, p. 16, pars. 14, 15, 16; p. 141, par. 125; p. 204, par. 166). — Your article on "Grandfather" Clocks in D-ar-C. N.&'Q. of July is very interesting. Amongst the names of makers I do not observe that of Peter Waycott, of Holne, Ashburton, Staverton and Totnes. There are many of his clocks in Devon to-day and some of his son Robert of Pai^^mton and Torquay. Peter lived at Ashburton in 1799 and made clocks, then, or soon after. He had a machine for cutting the wheels. He was a jack of all trades," so made the clock cases, the works and painted the dials. His son Robert continued to manufacture until the forties, when these tall clocks appear to have been eclipsed by the Dutch or American article. Peter had two brothers, William and Richard, who sailed from Dartmouth somewhere about the year of Waterloo. They went to Nova Scotia and made clocks there, many of which are to be found to-day. John Francis. 26. West Country Clock and Watch Makers (VH., p. 242, par. 169; VHL, p. 16, pars. 14, 15, 16; p. 141* par. 125; p. 204, par. 166.) — We have a long case clock made by James Treverton, Plymouth. Frank L. Rawlins. 27. West Country Clock and Watch Makers (VIL, p. 242, par. 169; VHL, p. 16, pars. 14, 15, 16; p. 141, par. 125; p. 204, par. 166.) — Martin Dunsford, of Ash- burton, was a maker of long case clocks, and also of a clock with a very large face. Several of the latter are still in use. He was living in 17S7. J. S. A. 28. West Country Clock and Watch Makers (VH., p. 242. par. 169; VHL, p. 16. par, 14, 15, 16; p. 141, par.