Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/63

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 41 A surviving son / and two daughters, mindful of her faith, hope / and love, inscribe this record to her memory, / Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory / through our Lord Jesus Christ. / I. Cor. xv., 57. / Wills. John Marshall of fFenottery, Co: Devon, gent : Poore of ffenottery 20s. : Cicill Ayer daur. £^ : Sister-in-law Sarah Stoford ;^io if she happens to overlive me : Katherine Godolphin daur. of Wm. Godolphin of Teigngraze £5 : Martha Godolphin daur. of Gentle Godolphin of Plymouth £^0 : Thomas Godfery son of Thomas Godfrey of ffenottery 20S. : Jane Ware daur. of ffrancis Ware of flFenottery 20s. : John Mercer of Ottery St. Mary gent., George Drake of Ailesbeere gent. 20s. a peece : John Luce son of John Luce of Upton Pyne Co. Devon Littlewell in Ottery St. Mary during natural life of him and John Luce yeildinge & paying the same to Marshall Ayer my grandson and his heires the yearly sum and rent of twenty shillings by quarterly pay- ments : James Marshall of the City of Exeter, Brewer : To Marshall Ayer my grandson and to the heires of his body all my lands and tenements and heredditaments whatsoever being within the said Co. of Devon for want of heires to John Luce and for want of heires to James Marshall of the City of Exeter Brewer : all my goods and chattells what soever to grandson Marshall Ayer sole executor. John Mercer, John Drake overseers. Dated 3 April 1671, proved u October 1672. Court of the Archdeacon of Exeter. (W.) Ezekiel Yarde. Thomas Eliot, flfrances Ware. Inventory £75^ 6s. Seal — Arms of Marshall of Teigngrace. Marshall Ayre of Venottery, Co. Devon gent. Sonn Marshall Ayre & to his heires all my lands tenements here- ditaments and estate whatsoever lying within the Parishes of Venottery Harpford Ottery St. Mary Withycombe Raw- leigh & Teigngrace Co. Devon: daur. Cicill Ayre ;^8oo to be paid her when 21 or day of marriage ;^io to be paid within one month : daur. Dorothy Duke wife of George Duke of Colyton Rawleigh ;^ioo : Wife Mary £^ : Sonne in law George Duke : 20s. to poore housekeepers of Harp- ford : 40s. to parish of Venottery for ever in the hands of the parish to be lent to any poor housekeeper not receiving alms of the parish : Elizabeth Radford my apprentice 20s. : Rebecca Burnell servant 203. ; son Marshall sole exor: