Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/66

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44 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. village, and generally a villaj^e in the country. In such names as Northwich and Droitwich the group of buildings were generally for salt producing, hut in Norwich and Greenwich the Wich simply means a village. On the other hand the group of buildings called a Week or Wick were generally put up for milk producing purposes. Hence a Wick is commonly used of a dairy farm. Clyst is commonly said to be a Cornish word meaning sluggish, because of the slow stream of that river, but it may be derived from the Saxon clisian, to close or to shut, because it shut ofTor enclosed a large tract of land. Oswald J. Reichel. 40. "Clyst" and "Week" Place Names (IX., p. 20, par. 18). — Your correspondent R. J. asks for the origin and meaning of " Clyst " and " Week " place names. " Clyst " is probably derived from the Welsh word •• Glwys," a hallowed place, a fair spot. In the old English Chronicle it appears as Glistun or Clistun. In Domesday Survey as Clistone, Glustone. Also in Domesday for the counties of Bucks, Worcester and Dorset, Clistone or Clistune. " Week" Cornish Gweek from Latin " Vicus," a town or village. Old Eng^lish '* Wic," " a dwelling." K. M. C 41. Lease of Land at Colompton. — This Indenture made the fourteneth daye of flfebruarye in theight yere of the reigne of oure Sovereign iadie Elizabeth [1566] by the grace of God Quene of England ffrance & Irelande defender of the / fTaitli ect betwene John Balfron of Bradnynch in the countie of Devon [blank] & Julian his wiff of thone parte and John Pratt of the same towne & countie Miller of thother parte Witnesseth th* / Robert heliar hath & holdeth for terme of certen yeres yet enduring if the said Robert so long happen to live all those messuages landes tenements meadowes leafnes & pastures with thappurtenances called " / lieng & being in the parishe of Colompton in thesaide countie of Devon with comon of pasturage upon Hillersdon Downe for all his beasts & cattalles att all tymes of the yere together with the * / quarry parke as by one indenture thereof to hym made more playnly appereth And wereas John Hillersdon esquier by his indenture being date the third daye of March in the .xxxj'** yere * / late