Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/76

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54 Devox akd Cornwall Notes and Queries. Tallaton Registers. Larkbere is, I presume, a better class old farmhouse. Before the Cottells went there a family named Hull resided there, of whose descendants some now reside at Brighton. W. H. Cottell. 50. Arms of the Family of Manningford. — It has been a matter of interest to me, on resigning the Rectory of Manningford Abbas, and coming to live, for a time, at Braunton, to find on the Bellew Monument in Braunton Church the arms of the family of Manningford. The shield at the top has fourteen quarterings, of which the seventh is Manningford. So says the Revd. J. F. Chanter in his book on the Church of St. Bratmock, Byaunton. Mr. W. B. Incledon Webber, of Buckland House, has informed me that the coat is arg. a chev. wavy between 3 roses gules, and comes into the Bellew Monument as follows : — John Affi:ton = E. Makmngford I Hugh Stuckley = Cathakink Afkktox i Nicholas Stl;ckley = Thomasine Cockworthy Sir Thomas Stuckley = Anne. da. and heitcss of Sir Thomas Wood Sir Hugh Stuckley = Jane, da. of Sir Leu-is Pollard Ann Stuckley = Vm. Hellew Richard Bellew = Margaret St. Leger The monument is to this Richard Bellew. Can any of your readers give any information as to the family of Manningford ? Whether it still exists ? Did it hail from Wiltshire ? Does any stone or wood carving with these arms exist in Devon ? The Affeton and Stuckley families were settled in North Devon, beyond Bideford, not in Braunton neighbourhood. H. A. C. TOMKINS. 51. JosiAS Trevelyan. — Josias Trevelyan was a son of John Trevelyan, of Nettlecombe (1534- 1577), and his wife Wilmot, daughter of John Harris, of Hayne, John Trevelian, of Nettlecombe, Somerset, Esq., in his Will dated 27 Feb.,