Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/94

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70 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. quoted for the place of birth ? The D. N. B. is silent on the point. Collins was the son of William Collins, who was gentleman usher to Queen Catherine (of Braganza), and presumably a Catholic. The date of birth was c. 1684. This is proved by the M. I. at Battersea, co. Surrey, which records the burial of Arthur Collins in March, 1760, aged 76 (copy in ' Manning and Bray.') We also know that Arthur Collins was interested in his own family history, for he says in his MS. diary, under date January 30, 1752, "The discourse . . . gave me an opportunity to say how I was descended and the misfortunes that attended my family and myself, on which they seemed to pity me, but said nothing more . . . I have left in MS. an account of my life." (See John Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, Vol. VIII. , 393, 1814). The answer to my query would seem, in all probability, to be contained in CoUins's MS. Where is this ? R. B. M. 73. Formation of the Parish of Welcombe. — The following indenture, which shews us the steps by which Welcombe became a distinct parish, having been formerly part of the parish of Hartland, is, I think, of extreme interest, not only for its local details but also as illustrating the methods by which chapelries became independent parishes : — " To nil Crysten People to whom this psent wrytynge in- dentyd shall come John Pyust Abbot of the house and Monast'ye of Saint Nyclitons of Hertlonde in the Countye of Devon and the Convent of the same place sendyth gretynge in o' Lorde God ev'lastynge Knowe ye that whereas in a composition berynge date the xx"' daye of September in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyve hundreth and eight made betwyne the religyous Fader in God Rycharde then Abbot of the said Monast'ye and his Convent of the one p'te and John Gothyell Herry Cade Thonis Prust Willm Pearde John Pearde and John Ybotte parochyans and inhy"fciunts at Welcombe and other of the inhybaunts there of the other ptye amongest dyves other thyngs was conteynyd that the same Abbot and Convent and th^ successors shulde at there only costs and charges fynde or cause to be founde a sufFycient Prste and Curatte to srve the Chapell of Welcombe in the seid Countye of Devon beynge a Chapell pendant unto the Pisshe of Stoke Saint