Page:Dialogue between a blind man and death.pdf/15

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( 15 )

The Goats i'th' left, the Sheepat Chriſt's right Hand
O! the ſad Shriechs they make, the rueful cries,
To ſee Hell gaping juſt before there Eyes!
The Heavens melt away with fervent Heat,
The Earth is burning underneath our Feet:
Thc Books are opened, judged now they muſt,
Condemned next, then are pronounced curſt.

The bleſſed Eftate of the Godly.

But happy, ever happy are the Sheep
of Chriſt, who Joy for forevermore will reap,
When he ſhall ſay to's Saints, Come, come ye thither,
You of my choſen Flock bleſt of my Father;
The Kingdom now enjoy, for you prepar'd,
Before the world was made and Heavens rear'd
O what Soul-raviſhing ſweet News is this!
Angels attend him preſently to bliſs,
With Glory crown'd, eternally they ſing,
Hoſannahs to their Heavenly Lord and King:
Rivers of joy before their Eyes run by,
Oceans of Pleaſure to Eternity,
Cloathed with Robes, ſhining like Jaſper stone,
They fing Chriſt's Praiſes on his heavenly Throne,
Angels attend theſe Saints, and what is more,
Joy hath no ead, but laſts for evermore,

The Miſerable State of the Wicked.

But hark! what Grief the damned does attend,
Who have no Advocate to ſtand their Friend,
Sentence muſt paffed be, Go, go to dwell,
In endleſs burning in the Lake of Hell;
Depart with Devils who did you entice
To hate your Saviour, and to cleave to Vice;
Go to that everlafting Pit, and ly,
Howling with Fiery Fiends perpetually
o what a wretched sight't will be to ſee,
The Devils dragging them to Mifery?
Husbands to ſee their Wives convey'd to bliſs,
