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some one suddenly told me to go and look in the directory lists. So I went and I asked at an inquiry office. " Yes,” they said, “ we have had a man of that name on our lists. He was doing responsible work, but he left us last year. He has gone to Baku to work at the oil wells.” ‘ Well, my love, my journey is not to be as short as we imagined. You write that your money is coming to an end, but we cannot help that, Katerina Alexandrovna ; you must be patient. The end is quite near. Arm yourself with patience, pray to God, and sell my old overcoat. We may have to meet some very heavy expenses, and you must be ready for anything. ‘ Life is terribly expensive in Rostov. I have had to pay two roubles twenty-five copecks for a room in the hotel. I shall have enough money to take me to Baku. In case of success I shall wire to you from there. ‘ The weather here is so very hot that I have to carry the borrowed overcoat over my arm. I am afraid of leaving it in my room, for you never know it might be stolen. The people here are rather rough. ‘ I don’t like Rostov. It is considerably inferior to Kharkov, both in population and geographical situ­ ation. But never you mind, my dear, with God’s help we shall pay a visit to Moscow together, and then you will see what a West European town it is. And then we shall settle in Samara, close to our own httle candle factory. ‘ Has Hippolyte returned yet ? I wonder where he is. Racing about somewhere, I suppose ! Does Evstigneyev still come in for dinner ? Have the cleaners returned my cassock yet, and what does it look like now that it has been cleaned ? Whenever you speak about me to people, be sure you tell them I am still at my aunt’s bedside. ‘ I almost forgot to tell you about a terrible thing