Page:Diamonds To Sit On.pdf/220

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for the letters he drew two parallel chalk lines ; and quietly cursing at the innocent Hippolyte, he set to work again. Hippolyte conscientiously did all that a youthful assistant should do. He fetched hot water, he melted the glue, he sneezed as he poured the dry colour powder into pails, and listened obediently to his exacting master. As soon as the slogan was ready and the letters were dry, the two conspirators lifted the cloth carefully and nailed it to the side of the steamer. The fat man who had engaged Bender hurried down the gangway to examine the new artist’s work from the shore. The letters were of varying size and were slanting in various directions. There was nothing to be done, however ; he would have to put up with it. The brass band went ashore and began to play rousing marches. The children of the place immedi­ ately ran up and they were soon followed by the peasants. The band went on thundering until the members of the Finance Commission came ashore. The meeting began. The first part was taken up with the reading of a report on the international situation, which was delivered from the steps of a tea-room. The Columbus Theatre company had remained on board and were watching the meeting from a distance. They could see the white headkerchiefs of the women who stood to one side of the tea-room. They could see a stolid, immovable group of men who were listening to the orator, and they could see the orator himself, who waved his arms about from time to time. Then the band began to play again. The first part of the meeting was over ; the band continued to play as it moved towards the steamer, and the crowd followed. The apparatus for the lottery was methodically throw­ ing out combinations of numbers, and as the wheels turned round, the numbers were shouted out. The Barminov inhabitants watched and listened intently. Bender joined the crowd, looked round, saw that all