Page:Diamonds To Sit On.pdf/229

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‘ Collect your things and clear out 1 ’ shouted Fatty. ‘ Why such a hurry ? ’ ‘ Col-lect your things,’ said Fatty in a steady voice, ‘ and clear out ! If you don’t take care you’ll find yourself in court. Our directors haven’t time for stupid jokes.’ ‘ Throw them out I ’ shouted the stern voice. ‘ Do you mean to say you don’t like the poster ? No, seriously ? ’ But there was no sense in keeping up this game, for the Scriabin had reached Vassuki and they could see the people crowding on to the landing-stage. They were gazing solemnly at the poster. There was no response to the appeal, and no one invested money in the loan. Bender and Hippolyte wasted no time in getting clear of the ship, and once on the land­ ing stage they stopped and looked back at the poster. ‘ Yes, it is pretty bad,’ said Bender. Instead of a sower scattering loan certificates Bender had drawn a square for the body and a sugar-loaf for the head, and as for a hand, there were two thin streaks and nothing else. ‘ I review the situation,’ said Bender cheerfully. ‘ Debit: not a copeck of money ; three chairs steaming down the Volga on board that ship, and nowhere to spend the night. Credit: a Volga guide-book for the year 1926. We shall have to spend the night on the landing-stage.’ The two friends sat down on a bench, and by the light of a lantern Bender opened the guide-book and began to read : ‘ On the high right bank of the River Volga lies the town of Vassuki. The exports from here are timber, tar, mats, and pulp. Various imports are brought here for use in the district, which is 50 miles from a railway station. There are 8,000 inhabitants in the town and a Government cardboard factory employing 320 workers. Also there is a small iron