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Bender had no time to argue with them and he conhnued to row frantically, but Hippolyte was in despair, lhe enemy were almost upon them and were trying to force the champion’s boat into the shore. A sad fate was m store for the chess swindlers. The yassuki players rejoiced and moved over to the right side of their boat, ready to hurl themselves on Bender as soon as they came level with him. ‘ Take care of your glasses ! ’ shouted Bender, as be threw an oar overboard. ‘ We’re in for it! ' ■' Bender. ‘ you’re surely not going to beat us ? Indeed we are ! ’ shouted the chess-players, getting ready to jump into the other boat. But at that ™o™ent their own boat lurched over on to its right side and a rush of water came into the boat. Steady there I ’ shouted the one-eyed captain. M amateurs had crowded Vassuki dreadnought that the centre of gravity was displaced, and, in complete There was a wail of despair as thirty amateur chessf water. They rapidly came up to the surface again, and one after another tried to scramble on to the overturned boat. thp ! ' shouted Bender. ‘ ^y don’t you beat ^champion? Wasn’t that your original intention ? W, I could drown you one by one, but I will ^r hves. Go on living, citizens, only don’t ?°Pi ""hess ! You simply don t know the first rules of the game. Poor fools I Come along, Hippolyte, we must be going. Good-bve' ceSr?Sfthe7‘ ’ ^^^suki will not become the centre of the universe. I do not think the international idiots, not eve™S you egged them on your knees. Good-bye my friends Three cheers for the " The Four Knights’Che^ciub H: