Page:Diamonds To Sit On.pdf/271

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The next night he saw Queen Tamara. She came flying to him from her castle and said playfully : ‘ We shah be neighbours.’ And he rephed with considerable vehemence ; ‘I’m not a miser.’ The Queen said : ‘ I know,’ and then flew away. The third day Father Theodore began to preach to the birds.

  • Birds ! ’ he said to them in a ringing voice, ‘ confess

your sins in public ! ’ On the fourth day he was pointed out to tourists. ‘ On the right is the castle of Tamara,’ said the experienced guide. ‘ On the left is a live man. How he climbed up that rock and what he lives on no one knows.’ ' What strange people ! ’ said one of the tourists. I‘ He must be a child of the mountains.’ Clouds gathered and eagles began to soar overhead. The boldest among them swooped down and stole the last piece of sausage, while a second eagle lifted the last piece of bread in its beak and then dropped it into the Terek. Father Theodore threatened the eagles with one finger and began to recite a nursery rhyme. The eagles looked at Father Theodore ; then they gave a £ piercing screech and flew away. Ten days later the fire-brigade came from Vladikavkaz with the necessary equipment and hauled ' Father Theodore down. As they were bringing him down he was clapping his hands and singing, but once on the ground he turned to the superintendent of the fire-brigade and shouted: ‘ I am not a miser. I’m only----- Ha, ha, ha ! ’ And the priest, roaring with laughter, was taken by the fire-brigade to the nearest lunatic asylum.