Page:Diary of an embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XI of France in 1464.djvu/35

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nine leagues to a good large village named Lihons.

On the morrow, Wednesday, we travelled nine leagues to a good large city, named Amiens; and passed through a city called Korbel (Corbie), four leagues from Amiens. Here in Amiens on the morrow, Thursday, we saw the King of Cyprus, in Latin Rex Cypri. Here first we were told correctly where the King of France was. For previously no one had been able to tell us for certain, and that because he was never long in one place, but was always roaming about on the chase and hunting. In this town of Amiens is a fine church, where they have many relics, the head of St. John Baptist, &c.

On the morrow, being the Friday before St. John Baptist, Lord Antony went with his servants, and with Jaroslaw, to a town called Sampo (St. Pol), in Latin Villa S. Pauli, the