Page:Diary of an embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XI of France in 1464.djvu/53

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Majesty to a city called Diepa (Dieppe), twenty leagues from Abbeville. It is a tolerably handsome city, lying along the sea on the seashore, but the air in it is very unhealthy from the putrefaction of the fish; for many seafish are sold in it, and large heaps of them lie and putrefy. They also manufacture salt in the neighbourhood.

On Friday, St. Margaret’s day, we went with the King to this city of Diepa, and arrived before the King. For the King slept in a certain town named Sentrin, two leagues from the town of Eou (Eu), where we could not obtain any bread; such great abundance was there! Here commences the district of Normandia. In the evening, it might be perhaps an hour to night, the King followed us to the city of Diepa with a very small suite.

On the morrow, Saturday, the King went to a certain castle, two leagues from the city