Page:Diary of an embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XI of France in 1464.djvu/69

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eleven leagues to the village of Perfitte (Pierrefitte), in Latin Petraficta.

On the morrow, Tuesday, we travelled eleven leagues to the city of Burges (Bourges), in Latin Burgensis civitas; it is a principality, and is now held by the brother of the present King of France, Prince Charles. Here we saw a handsome house; they said that the work of this house is worth 100,000 florins, and one stone in a room is worth 1000 florins; it is gilt. In this house we saw a great dragon of leather, of the shape of a lizard, but very large. Here we engaged three Frenchmen to make tapestry and carpets in Bohemia, but afterwards they all ran away.

On the morrow, Wednesday, we went seven leagues to a viliage named Dunlaroy (Dun-le-roi), in Latin Da Regi; it is a tolerably large village.

On the morrow, Thursday, we travelled