Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/213

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We have hopes they will not continue to be troublesome: increase of the white population would no doubt be the most effectual remedy against them; but in our present state, fear of the evil may be the means of preventing the application of the remedy.

I do not gain strength rapidly, and have been weaker than before. I cannot bear exposure, and little exercise overcomes me; but I must go to Perth to-morrow,—would I were back again!

3rd.—A second swelling in my head is coming on, above the former; and yet my public duty obliges me to go to Perth. I must get through it as I can, and then come home and lay myself up "in ordinary" again."

We are now in a state of great suspense respecting the governor's mission, but a month or two must end it. You are, perhaps, now apprised of what is to be our fate; I mean so far as the intention of the British Government is concerned: lose no opportunity of writing to me on this and other subjects, for hearing from you is my only consolation in this distant solitude; for solitude such a condition as mine is, and must be.

The mail is just about to be made, viâ Mauritius. I can only add—love, love, love to you all.