Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/298

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Bay. He has been very successful in whale fishing, but I believe finds his situation hazardous, as being out of the pale of civilization and protection, and he now thinks of taking land within the territory at some place along the coast, where it is generally supposed that he has seen a fine country, though he has been prudent enough to keep his secret. My dog killed a kangaroo of 34lbs. weight to-day. John Mackie dined here. I have offers from several persons to go and settle on my farm over the hills and take care of my flock. There is quite a mania now for "over the hills."

Oct. 10th.—I have been in Perth since Thursday morning, having returned only late last night. The Governor and a party have just returned from the York district; they made a considerable tour and are greatly pleased. The Governor calculated that he passed over 300 square miles of prime grazing ground. That is the district for any one to go to. There has been much rain, and the river is considerably swollen in consequence. I had some trouble in riding through it; the mare was all but swimming. Perth was gay last week. We had two dancing parties there, one at Mr. Brown's and one at Mr. Roe's, though the weather is becoming too hot now for waltzing, which we indulge in. Paid 30s. of charges on the wool which I sent long ago by the Mauritius, where it was transhipped at this expense, and it is to pay 2d. a lb. from that to London, which, with 2d. from this to the Mauritius, makes a heavy drawback against our wool.

Monday.—Getting melons, pumpkins, and water melons put down. Cut 32 head of cauliflower yesterday and to-day, and gave them to the men, so many had come forward begging for one. Shot one of those gallinules across the river; dog Carlo swam for it, and was mouthing it when John Mackie came running on that side to take it from him, but the dog leapt into the river immediately, with the bird in his mouth, and brought it over to me, The Murray river natives