Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/325

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acres) this year. Average value 6s. a bushel—£90. This, with a little dealing in cattle and sheep and pigs, gives him a nice little occupation.

Monday.—The lucerne which you first of all sent out here, I have been transplanting and extending from time to time, both by thinning the rows and sowing the seed. The chicory and yarrow are coming up this year in quantities, but not a vestige of the trifolium incarnatum. It will not answer us; but lucerne will be valuable, as it keeps in the ground, and comes green at an early period, after the heats of summer, even on dry ground.—These whaling companies are requiring so many men that hands are very scarce; no talk now but of "lays" and "spouting," and other technical whaling terms. I am preparing leases of parts of the coast for the two companies, for stations, one at Carnac and one at Fremantle.

May 6th.—The Governor has returned in great spirits from his excursion to the South East, comprising an examination of the country from the Murray River to within 55 miles of King George's Sound, having seen a large extent of fine country, well watered. Some pools in the rivers which they saw ever so far in the interior were very large, and must end in considerable rivers. Two (called respectively the Arthur and the Beaufort) are supposed to unite together and form the Donnelly river, which falls into the sea near Flinders Bay. The Murray river, at its issuing from the hills, was pouring out a large body of water. He seems to think that that would have been a better situation for the settlement had it been known at the time. I have got at last into the large house in Perth and feel most miserable in it. The cold is so great that I find it by no means agreeable; but I have lined one of the rooms with canvas, which will improve it.

Saturday.—Left this place (Millendon) on Monday morning last for Perth, and have only now returned. What between carpenters, painters, landscape gardeners, and other workmen, I have had a busy time in Perth, over and above my own