Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/379

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Sept. 6th.—I have just returned from Perth, having been there since Tuesday morning. Schoales and Nash have not yet settled themselves; they dined with me yesterday and breakfasted to-day. Miss Whitfield was married to-day to Mr. G. Stone (our Sheriff). I was not a little amused with my black servant (Motu) in Perth. The last black man I had would not eat pork being a Mussulman, and, supposing this man to be the same, I set him down to some beef, but he was quite indignant at being asked to eat it, for he is a Hindoo. "Me cow eat, me mother eat," said he with vehemence. I knew what he meant, but being a little provoked I said gravely, "What! was your mother a cow, then?" "Yes!" says he, "all same; me cow eat, me mother eat, my church say it." My cows were found yesterday morning grazing on the hills.

Saturday.—In an evil hour I was appointed chairman of a committee to collect information to send to an English association. It is a great and altogether unsatisfactory job. People keep back their communications to the last moment, so I shall be hurried out of measure, just when I want time for my own affairs. These things are more tedious than you could believe. I would rather write half a dozen free and easy letters than concoct one statistical table. In the report which we are preparing to send to the association I write upon the introduction of labour and the sale of Crown lands. The concluding sentence on the latter subject which I just this moment finished is this: "A graduated scale rising in proportion to the progress and resources of the colony would seem to be more just as an equitable arrangement, more politic as a measure for encouraging immigration, and more effectual as a means for raising a revenue from the sale of Crown lands."

Monday.—Having to go to Perth in the morning, when I dare say we shall have councils and all sorts of business preparatory to the Governor's departure, I have been getting on with the report for the association. I have just finished