Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/464

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isolated masses of compact quartz have been seen in several parts of the colony. See Borryl.

Bargar, a.—Light; thin; as a covering.

Barh-ran, s.—A scar; any mark of a wound.

Bărjadda, s.—Dasyurus Maugei. Native cat.

Bărnă, s.—A stray animal; anything which may be found wanting an owner.

Bărnăk, ad.—Openly; publicly; as Nadgul bărnak burda wărrang—I will openly tell or inform, by-and-by.

Bărnăk, a.—Outside; exposed; bleak; open.

Bărnăk warrang.—To inform.

Bărnan, v. Pres. part., Barnanwin; past tense, Bărnanăga. To sweep; to clean; to clear away. To pluck out hair or feathers.

Bărnăp, s.—An orphan. Compounded of Bărna, a thing without an owner, and ăbbin, to become.

Barra, ad.—Wrongly; erroneously.

Barrab, s.—The sky (Vasse).

Barrăb ără, a.—Well, recovered from wounds or sickness.

Barrabart, v.—To go astray; to wander out of the road.

Barrăjit, s.—Dasyarus Maugei. A weasel; colonially, a native cat.

Barrakattidj, v.—To misunderstand.

Bărrang, v.—Pres. part., Barrangwin, or Barrangan; past tense, Barrang, ăgga. To bring; to carry; to abduct—as Kardo Barrang, to carry off a wife; that being a very general mode of obtaining one.

Barrangballar.—To close up; to secrete.

Barrangdedin.—To shut up; to cover up.

Barrang-djinnăn, v.—To handle; to examine.

Barrangdordakănăn, v.—To save the life of a person.

Barrangkattidj.—To recollect; to bring to mind.

Barrangmaulkolo, v.—To drag along; literally, catching; pull, move.

Barrangtăkkan, v.—To break.

Barrawangow, v.—To speak so as not to be understood; to make mistakes in speaking a language; to talk childishly.

Barrit, s.—Lying; deceit.

Barro, s.—The tough-topped Xanthorea or grass-tree, from which the strongest resin, the Kadjo, exudes; that which the natives use for fastening on the heads of their hammers. The Barro grows generally in high and dry situations; whereas the Balga prefers low and rather damp soils.

Bărt, or Bărtu, ad.—No; not; none. Always used as an affix, as Nadgo Kattidj bărt—I do not understand. This is the most general sound of the negative affix; though at Perth it is called Bru, which is probably a shortened sound of Bărtu. This word has been corrupted into "Port" at K. G. S.