Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/525

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Ngoriuk ? (Vasse) Much; very.

Ngo-ro, s.—The mucus of the nose.

Ngota—(K.G.S.) A species of crow.

Ngo-tak, prop. name—One of the great families into which the natives are divided. The Naganok are Matta gyn. See Ballarok.

Ngow-dik, s.—Pearsonia, a plant.

Ngow-er, s.—A tuft, formed of the tail or winged feathers of a bird, worn in the hair. The feathery part is stripped from the stiff stem or quill, and tied upon a small stick like a skewer.

Ngowerit—(K.G.S.) The navel.

Ngow-o, s.—Colonial pheasant, nondescript? It scrapes together a large heap of earth or sand, perhaps two to three feet high, and five to six feet in diameter, in which it deposits its eggs about a foot deep, which are left to be hatched by the sun. It is the only bird of this habit in the colony. The eggs are very large in proportion to the size of the bird, and of a delicate flavour. It would be very valuable if domesticated. The mother is said to come and uncover the eggs at the time of maturity.

Ngoy-ang, a.—Sharp.

Ngoy-yur—(K.G.S.) The elbow.

Ngu-bu, s.—Blood.

Ngubul-ya, a.—Red; blood-coloured.

Ngudang, s.—The heel.

Ngudi, s.—A knot in wood; an excrescence on a tree.

Ngulbun-gur—(K.G.S.) A species of mouse.

Ngulor, s.—Haliæëtus leucogaster? sea-eagle.

Ngul-ya, s.—An edible root of a reddish colour, something like Bohn in flavour, but tougher and more stringy.

Ngul-yap, a.—Empty (Vasse dialect). Probably the same as Yulap.

Ngumbit, s.—The flower of the red gum-tree, which, steeped in water, affords a honey-sweet beverage, much relished by the natives.

Ngunăllăng, p.p.—Yours; thine.

Ngunman, s.—The right arm or side.

Nguntburbung—(K.G.S.) To startle.

Ngura, s.—A small lake or basin of water; a native well.

Ngurju, s.—Hydromus leucogaster. A kind of marsupial water-rat, rare and shy, but fierce if attacked.

Ngutek, s.—A species of Grevillea flower.

Nguto, s.—An edible root.

Ngu-yăng, s.—The distant misty appearance of approaching rain.

Ngu-yubărra, a.—Blue.


Ngwidam, a.—Serious; in earnest; not joking; honest.

Ngwol-yi naggirang, s.—Anas; teal.