Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/254

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16th.Mr. Carr told me of one Vandastrade, who said that the King was married to Mrs. Barlow. The Duke sent to inquire of this man, and finds that he only said that my Lord Garrard and Croft told him 'twas the King said so. This is a mean fellow who lives at Amsterdam. I writ for leave.


September 16-26.

My Lord,

It is very unlucky that you have lost your cipher, for our friend here deferred taking any resolution till I had an answer of what I writ to you of the 8th, which I am afraid will now come too late, but yet I have sent you a copy of mine. In my last I writ you word that Monsieur Van Beuninghen was of opinion that the Treaty of Guarantee had best be treated of here; since I spoke to the Prince

    affairs of Christendom, yet I was spited to the heart at the carriage of my friends in this affair, and not so much for their taking such a resolution without my knowledge and concert, as for keeping me ignorant after the Duke's coming over; and so far as to let me make such a figure as I did in doing all the good offices, and making all the court I could to the Duke for Lords Essex and Halifax as I told them I could do."—Temple's Works, ii. 518.