Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/327

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25th.Monsieur Campricht told me that he had orders to oppose this alliance as much as he could; and I believe he will put in a memorial to that purpose. There dined with me Mr. Ken and Mr. Bowyer. Mr. Fitzpatrick told me of the Jews' proposal to him of giving the King £50,000 if, upon renewing the charter to the East India Company, he will give such men leave to buy actions.

Monsieur Odyke told me of the French Ambassador being with the Prince at his house; that he shewed him a letter from Monsieur Barillon, that saith that the King told him that the reason why he endeavoured to hinder the States from making an alliance with France, was to make France desire one with him. He saith he is preparing a terrible memorial for the meeting of the States; that, for the present, he believes these people may refuse it, but, if they see any likelihood of a war, they will do any thing that is desired of them. Monsieur Barillon writes to Monsieur D'Avaux every week, and gives him an account, almost word for word, of what I write. He hath orders to go again to all the towns, as he did in the business of the Guarantee, but I hear it will not be permitted.

26th.I was with the Prince. He told me of his conversation with Monsieur D'Avaux; of Baril-

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