Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. II.djvu/24

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In the afternoon Monsieur Borcel and Monsieur Monro came to see me; he pretends to have been of the Princess's party. Monsieur Waldeck sent me a compliment.

28th. Sir Gabriel was with me. He told me that he had spoken with the Prince about the States sending one to the Dukes of Brunswick to go on jointly with us. He said he thought it could not be, and referred him to the Pensioner, who told him there was no thought of their altering or renewing any treaty as long as Friezland was so cross; that they had a treaty which would serve, and having sent so lately they could not send again; but they were sorry they did not order the Count Flodorp to stay longer. The Pensioner likes the project. Sir Gabriel wonders that the Prince hath not yet spoken to him; he is unsatisfied, and saith that every body else is. He was yesterday with the Count de Waldeck, who is not pleased, but makes great professions to England; he complains a little that our ministers would have corrupted his wife by Wichefort. The Prince was to see him to-day; he advises him to give up Masseick and Hasselt in time, or else he will be fain to do it by force. We were saying that we believed if there was