Page:Dick Hamilton's Cadet Days.djvu/90

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"I'll show him, if I get a chance," murmured Dick.

The cadets were formed into four companies the next day, and sent out on the cavalry plain for practice.

"Now I don't want any exhibitions of fancy riding," announced Ray Dutton, as he led the cadets over whom he had charge out from the drill hall. "You've got to creep before you walk, you know. Just take it easy, and we'll make a few circuits of the grounds."

"Pity he wouldn't let us gallop," said Dick, in a low voice to Paul, beside whom he was riding.

"Silence in the ranks!" exclaimed the cadet captain sharply. "Hamilton, if you speak again I'll report you."

Dick felt the hot blood mount to his face, but he kept his temper.

They went around at a slow pace, many of the lads chaffing under the restraint. Then Dutton gave the command to trot, and they let their horses out a trifle.

Whether something frightened Dick's horse, or whether the animal wanted to take a good run and show the others what he could do, it was impossible to say. At any rate our hero's steed gave a sudden spring, and, rushing through the opened ranks of the cadet horsemen ahead of him, sailed past Captain Dutton at a fast gait.

"Halt!" cried the leading cadet. "Where are