Page:Dick Hamilton's Fortune.djvu/59

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"That's what it is," replied Dick smiling. "It's a present from me, Henry."

"A present! I'm sorry, but I can't take it, Dick. I'm very much obliged to you, but it wouldn't be business, you know. I don't want anything I don't earn."

"But I have lots more," insisted Dick. "In fact, I'd never miss that sum."

"I can't help it. I couldn't take it, though I thank you very much," and Henry handed back the little slip.

"Wait!" exclaimed Dick. "Will you take it as a loan, Henry?"

"A loan?"

"Yes; to be paid back—whenever you get good and ready. Do take it—as a loan."

"A loan," repeated Henry in a low tone. "Well, I might do that. But if you're in any hurry for the money you'd better not let me take it. I don't know when I can pay it back."

"That's all right. Keep it as long as you like."

"But there's another objection," said Henry, who appeared to be very conscientious about it. "You have no security for it."

"I don't need any from you, Henry."

"But it wouldn't be right to take it without security. Wait, I'll tell you what I'll do."

He hurried back into his house, to return in a few minutes with a folded paper which he handed to Dick.

"What is this?"