Page:Dick Hamilton's Fortune.djvu/67

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the garage of a neighboring city, and told his friends to get ready.

"Are you going?" asked Guy of Simon, the day before that set for the trip.

"Am I? Well, you can make up your mind to that. I can see something good in this for us."

"Good? What do you mean?"

"Money, of course."

"Don't get the idea that Dick is going to distribute five-dollar gold pieces along the route, Simon."

"I'm not; but I've got a plan of my own. If this wealthy young greenhorn doesn't drop a few hundreds in New York, and if I don't get my share, I'm very much mistaken. You can just as well have some as not."

"How you going to do it?"

"That's my secret," replied Simon, with a wink. "I didn't live five years in New York for nothing. I've got some friends there who will help me. Just you wait."

"But you want to be careful. Dick is no fool, even if he is wealthy."

"Don't you worry. I know what I'm about."

The pair, who were well matched, whispered for some time together, and when they separated, Simon, with many winks, gave his companion renewed assurances that Dick's trip to New York would prove financially beneficial to both of them.

Guy knew little of Simon, who had come to Hamilton Corners about six months before this