Page:Dick Hamilton's Steam Yacht.djvu/25

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players who ever wore moleskin. When the present story opens the summer vacation was again at hand, and during it Dick was destined to have more stirring adventures than had yet fallen to his lot.

It took Dick all the afternoon to complete arrangements for his spread, even though several of his comrades helped him. There were many details, however, which he had to see to himself, but finally he had the assurance of the caterer that everything necessary would be sent out to the academy.

Dick gave his personal check for the cost, and it was not a small sum, but the young millionaire had plenty of money to his credit. Then he hurried home to dress for the affair.

"Oh, you look good enough; come on!" exclaimed Paul Drew to Dick, as the latter was surveying his uniform in a small glass in their room that night, just before the time set for the farewell supper. "This isn't a fancy dress ball, and there aren't going to be any girls at it. Don't primp!"

"I'm not primping, but the tailor made this coat too tight, and I'm afraid if I reach across the table I'll split it down the middle."

"Which, the table or the coat?"

"Both," retorted Dick, and then, to test the garment, he stretched out his arms. There was an ominous ripping sound, and he hastily threw back his shoulders in alarm.

"What did I tell you?" he asked, reproachfully.