Page:Dick Hamilton's Steam Yacht.djvu/265

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have them, and so I think our best plan is to set sail for the island where we were marooned."

"I guess you're right, Dick," admitted Paul.

The next day the Golconda, which was the steamer Dick had hired, slipped away from her dock, and headed for Stone Island. Aboard her, though the boys did not live as finely as they had in the yacht of the young millionaire, they had a good time, and most of their hours were spent on deck, as they cruised on, looking for a sight of the Albatross.

Dick declared that he was getting cross-eyed from so constantly looking through the binoculars, but he would not give up. Many ships were passed, but they proved to be other than the Albatross. Nor was the Princess sighted.

"I guess Uncle Ezra and his crowd had enough, and went back to New York," ventured Dick. "My uncle is probably in Dankville now, figuring up how much money he lost. Oh, won't I have the laugh on him when I jolly him for kidnapping the wrong person!"

"I'd do more than jolly him," said Beeby, vindictively. "He ought to be arrested."

"Oh, Uncle Ezra is a peculiar man," said Dick. "He can make himself believe that he acted just right. He's afraid I'll die a pauper in the poorhouse, I guess."

Forward sailed the Golconda, even to Stone Island, but there was no sight of the missing yacht. They anchored in the bay where Dick's