Page:Dick Hamilton's Steam Yacht.djvu/268

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ple," suggested Henry Darby. "Why—look—she's turning around!"

They all stared in wonder, for the vessel, for some reason, was swinging about in a big circle, retracing her course.

"Can we go a little faster?" asked Dick of the captain.

"Si, senor," was the reply, and the engine room telegraph clanged out an order. The Golconda leaped ahead.

As the boat, to which the gaze of all was directed, swung around, so that her stern was toward the vessel containing Dick and his chums, the young millionaire uttered a startled cry. Passing the glasses to Paul Drew, and bidding him look, Dick exclaimed:

"It's her! It's my yacht! It's the Albatross!"

"It sure is," agreed Paul, a moment later. "I can read her name under the stern."

"After her!" fairly yelled Dick. "After her, captain! Use every ounce of steam you can, for we must catch her!"

"I'll go down in the engine room and talk Dutch to the firemen," volunteered Widdy, who had the privilege of the bridge. He hastened away, while Dick took another view of his yacht, that was steaming away from him so rapidly. But the Golconda was increasing her speed also, and the "bone in her teeth" grew larger in size, while the screw threshed the water at the stern more violently. The pursuit was on.