Page:Dick Sands the Boy Captain.djvu/285

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ACCOMPLICES. 257 unscrupulous and daring as ever, and fully prepared to pursue hîs former calling as an agent of old Alvez the slave dealer, Harris inquired what he proposed doing wîth the survivors of the " Pilgrim " now that they were în his hands. " Divide them înto two lots " answered Negoro, wîthout a moment's hésitation, " one for the market, the other . . . ." He did not finish his sentence, but the expression of hîs countenance was an index to the malignity of his purpose. " Which shall you sell ?" asked the American. "The niggers, of course. The old one is not worth much, but the other four ought to fetch a good price at Kazoundé." "Yes, you are right," said Harris; " American-born slaves, wîth plenty of work în them, are rare articles, and ver>' différent to the misérable wretches we get up the country. But you never told me," he added, suddenly changing the subject, " whether you found any money on board the 'Pilgrim M" " Oh, I rescued a few hundred dollars from the wreck, that was ail," said the Portuguese carelessly ; " but I am expecting . . . ." he stopped short. •* What are you expecting ?" inquired Harris eagerly. " Oh, nothing, nothing," said Negoro, apparently annoyed that he had said so much, and immediately began talking of the means of securing the living prey which he had been taking so many pains to entrap. Harris informed him that on the Coanza, about ten miles distant, there was at the présent tîme encamped a slave caravan, under the control of an Arab named Ibn Hamish ; plenty of native soldiers were there on guard, and if Dick Sands and his people could only be induced to travel in that direction, their cap- ture would be a matter of very little difficulty. He said that of course Dick Sands' first thought would naturally be how to get back to the coast ; it was not likely that he would venture a second time through the forest, but would in ail probability try to make his way to the nearest river, and descend its course on a'raft to the sca. The nearest rivet wai undoubtedly the Coanza, so that he and Negoro