Page:Dick Sands the Boy Captain.djvu/434

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406 niCK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTAIN. '*^«  CHAPTER XIV. A RAY OF HOPE, Mrs. Weldon's first feeling on bcing left alone was a sensé of relief at having a week*s respite. She had no trust in Negoro's honesty, but she knew well enough that their " marketablc value " would secure them from any personal danger, and she had time to consider whether some com- promise might be efifccted by which her husband might be spared the necessity of coming to Kazonndé. Upon the receipt of a letter from hcrsclf, he would not hesitate for a moment in undertaking the journey, but she entertained no little fear that aftcr all perhaps her own departure might not be permitted ; the slightest caprice on the part of Oueen Moena would dctain her as a captive, whilst as to Negoro, if once he should get the ransom he wanted, he would take no further pains in the matter. Accordingly, she resolved to make the proposition that she should be convcyed to some point upon the coast, wherc the bargain could be concluded without Mr. Weldon's coming up the country. She had to wcigh all the conséquences that would follow any refusai on her part to fall in with Negoro's demands. Of course, he would spend the interval in preparing for liis start to America, and when he should come back and find her still hesitating, was it not likely that he would find scope for his revenge in suggesting that she must be sepa- rated from her child. The very thought sent a pang through her heart, and she claspcd her little boy tcnderly to her side.