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412 . DICK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTAIN. It was the first time a white man had ever penetrated so far. Proceeding on theîr way, they arrîved at the résidence of Shinté, the most povverful of the chieftaîns of the Balonda, by whom they were vvell received, and havîng met wîth equal kindncss from Kateema, a ruler on the other sîde of the Leeba, they encamped, on the 20th of February, 1853, on the banks of Lake Dilolo. Hère it was that the real difficulty commenced ; the arduous travelling, the attacks of the natives, and their exorbitant demands, the conspiracies of his own attendants and their désertions, would soonhave causedanyone ofless energy to abandon his enterprise ; but David Livîngstone was not a man to be dauntcd ; resolutely he persevered, and on the 4th of April reached the banks of the Coango, the stream that forms the frontier of the Portuguese possessions, and joins the Zairc on the north. Six days later he passed through Cassangé. Hère it was that Alvcz had seen him. On the 3ist of May he arrivcd at St. Paul de Loanda, having traversed the continent in about two y cars. It was not long, however, bcfore he was off again. Following the banks of the Coanza, the river which was to bring such trying expcricnces to Dick Sands and his party, he rcachcd the Lombe, and having met numbers of slave- caravans on his way, again passed through Cassangé, crossed the Coango, and reached the Zambesi at Kewawa. By the 8th of the following June hc was again at Lake Dilolo, and desccnding the river, hc rc-entcrcd Linyantc. Hère he stayed till the 3rd of Novcmbcr, whcn hc commenced his second great journcy, which was to carry him completely across Africa from wcst to east. Aftcr visiting the famcd Victoria l'alls, the intrepîd explorer quitted the Zambesi, and took a north-easterly route. The transit of the territor>' of the Batokas, a people brutalized by the inhalation of hemp ; a visit to Semalem- boni the powerful chief of the district ; the passage of the Kafonî ; a visit to king Mbourouma ; an inspection of the ruîns of Zumbo, an old Portuguese town ; a meeting with