Page:Dick Sands the Boy Captain.djvu/442

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mself i 414 DICK SANDS, TflE BoY CAPTAIN. ^ and at the end of Novembcr tlie doctor rcturned to the Zambcsi, and reasccndcd ihc Shirf*. In thc sprîng of iS'îj he lost his companioii Mr. Tlioriiton, and as hii brolher and Dr. Kirk wcre both much debîlitated, hc insLsted upoii their return to Europe, while he himself retiirncd for the third tinie to Lake Nj'assa, and compli the hydrographical aurvey whJch alrcady he had begua. A few months latcr found him once more at thc m of the Zambesi ; thence hc crossed over to Zanzibar, aftcr five years' absence arrivcd in Loridon, whcrt published his work, " Thc exploration of the Zambcsi its affluents." SCiU unwearicd and insatiable in his longîngs, he waj bàck again in Zanzibar at the commencement of rS66, ready to begin his fourth journey, this tîme attended oniy by a few aepoys and negroes. Wîtnessing on dis waysome horrible scènes which were pcrpetrated as the rcsult of the proBccution of thc slavc-trade, he proceedcd to Mokalaosé on the shores of Lkke Nyassa, where nearly ail attendants deserted him, and returned to Zanzib^ with report that he «as dcad. Dr. Livingstone meanwhile was not only . altve, but Dndaunted in his détermination to visît the countty between thetwo lakes Nyassa and Tanganyika. With noneto guide litm except a few natives, ha crossed the Loangona, and îâ' the following April discovered Lake Liemmba. Heis he lay for a whole month hovering between life and. death, but rallying a little he pushed on to the north shore of Lake Moero. Taking up his quarters at Cazembé for six weelo^ hc made tvvo separate explorations of the lake, and tlien- started farther northwards, intending to reach Ujij^ an important town upon Lake Tanganyika ; overtaken, h<nr- ever, by floods, and agaîn abandoned by his servants, he «as. obliged to retrace his steps. Six weeks afïerwards he had' made his way southwards to the grcat lake Bangweolo^' wtience once more he started towards Tanganyika. Thjs last efïbrt was most trying, and the doctor had' grown so weak that he was obliged to be carried, but he. fcac^ed Ujiji, where he was grati6ed hy finding loiiie