Page:Dick Sands the Boy Captain.djvu/476

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448 DICK SANDS» THE BOY CAPTAIN. "* You see I am tfae rig^t sort of mgangmj^ inteiposed Hercules ; '^ I am a doctor as well as a oonjorer.? " But tell me, Hercules, how did you save him ? " "Oh, it was not a difficult matter by any means^" answered Hercules modestly ; ^ it was dark, you know, ao that at the proper moment it was quite possible to wade iii amongst the poor wretches at the bottom of the trench, and to wrench the stake from its socket Anybody could hâve done it. Cousin Benedict could hâve done it. Dingo, too, might hâve done it Perhaps, after ail, it was Dingo that did it" « No, no, Hercules, that won't do," cried Jack ; " besides, look. Dingo is shaking his head ; he is telling you he didn't do it"

    • Dingo must not tell taies, Master Jack," said Hercules,

laughing. But, nevertheless, although the brave fellow's modesty prompted him to conceai it, it was clear that he had accomplished a daring feat, of which few would hâve ventured to incur the risk. Inquiry was next made after Tom, Bat, Actaeon, and Austin. His countenance fell, and large tears gathered in his eyes as Hercules told how he had seen them pass through the forest in a slave-caravan. They were gone; he fearcd they were gone for ever. Mrs. Wcldon tried to console him wîth the hope that thèy might still be spared to meet again some day ; but he shook his head mournfully. She then communicated to Dîck the terms of the compact that had been entered înto for lier own release, and observed that under the circum- stanccs it might really hâve been more prudent for her to remain in Kazonndé. " Then I hâve made a mîstake ; I hâve been an idiot, in bringing you away," said Hercules, ever ready to depreciate his own actions. " No," said Dick ; " you hâve made no mistake ; you could not hâve done better ; those rascals, ten chances to one, will only get Mr. Weldon înto some trap. We must get to Mossamedes before Negoro arrives ; once there, we