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72 DICK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTAIN. the sailors with their feet in spiked shoes would get upon its back and proceed to eut the blubber, from head to tail, in long strips, which would fîrst be divided into lumps about a foot and a half square, the lumps being subsequently chopped into smaller portions capable of being stored away in casks. The ordinary rule would be for a ship, as soon as the flayîng was complète, to make its way to land where the blubber could be at once boiled down, an opération by which it is reduced by about a third of its weight, and by which it yields all its oil, the only portion of it which is of any value. Under présent cîrcumstances, however, Captain HuU would not think of meltîng down the blubber until his arrivai at Valparaiso, and as he was sanguine that the wind would soon set in a favourable direction, he calculated that he should reach that port in less than three weeks, a period during which his cargo would not be deteriorated. The latest movement with regard to the " Pilgrîm " had been to bring her somewhat nearer the spot where the spouts of vapour indicated the présence of the coveted prize. The créature continued to swim about in the reddened waters, opening and shutting its huge jaws like an automaton, and absorbing at every mouthful whole myriads of animalcula. No one entertained a fear that it would try to make an escape ; it was the unanimous verdict that it was " a fighting whale," and one that would resist all attacks to the very end. As Captain Hull descended the rope-ladder and took his place in the front of the boat, Mrs. Weldon and all on board renewed their good wishes. Dingo stood with his fore-paws upon the taffrail, and appeared as much as any to be bidding the adventurous party farewell. When the boat pushed off, those who were left on board the " Pilgrim ** made their way slowly to the bows, from which the most extensive view was to be gained. The captaîn's voice came from the retreating boat, — ^' A sbarp look-out, Dîck ; a sharp look-out ; one eye on us, one on the ship ! "