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Dick Shaw, The Fiend, or The Rev. Preacher-Doctor.

A Fieiy, Serio-Comic and Bloodiest Tragedy, in Five Acts and Several Pathetic, Comic and Sensational Tableaux. Moreover, this play is original and highly instructive. It has been written, enlarged and arranged by SIMON M. LANDIS, M. D., D. D., with the original Dick Shaw preserved, whose counterpart by the dignified Preacher-Doctor will make a picture of gigantic proportions, which even the most incompetent critic can discern.

The Costumes are Modern. The Stage-Settings are found in every First-Class Theater, and it will most Positively Not be produced in any other.

Legitimate communications should be addressed to. Dr. S. M. Landis, 312 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

CAST (and Qualifications) OF CHARACTERS.

DICK SHAW, The Fiend, Marvelous change before the audience, without removing a garment. DR. S. M. LANDIS.
Rev. PREACHER-DOCTOR, Also the Author.

SAM POOL, . . — First-Class, Leading Comedian. — A gentleman, drunkard, loafer, confederate of Dick Shaw and a truly reformed man. WILLIAM CUTTLE, . —Eccentric Comedian.— An eccentric Yankee and "innocent phlosopher," in love with Mad. Willard. PERT FORCE, . . —Dignified Comedian.— Indulgent father of Miss Sallie Force, millionaire, drunkard and chum of Sam Pool. HARRY DIVER, . —Specialist and Comic Singer.— Servant to Mr. and Miss Force, bar-tender, etc., and in love with Dutch Nancy.

LEADER of GANG, . —Heavy Villain and Specialist.—

Miss SALLIE FORCE, —Star, Versatile Tragedienne-

Persecuted by Dick Shaw, in love with Rev. Preacher-Doctor.

Mad. WILLARD, . — Strong-Minded Woman.—

President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in love with Wm. Cuttle.

DUTCH NANCY, — Specialist, German Comedienne and Vocalist. —

Miss Sallie Force's servant, in love with Harry Diver.

Mii3S ORTHODOX, .....

Secretary and Director of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in love with L. of G.

Supernumeraries.—In citizens dress; not less than six ladies and twelve men — Bums.

The 10 speaking characters must have good voices and be fair singers.

Resolutions of thanks!

At a meeting, Monday Eveiiing, May 7. 1888, the "Order of Naturalists" passed the following Resolutions: We hereby unanimously thank Dr. Landis for having read, in fine dramatic style, his new TEMPERANCE PLAY, and we deem it the grandest lesson and most interesting production that has ever been presented to an intelligent public. The audience, although uncomfortably crowded, was of that class of people who could ap- preciate the drama, Avhich is above the conception of groundlings, and the ladies and gentlemen present expressed themselves as being highly entertained and instructed. Therefore: Resolved, that we solicit Dr. Landis to repeat the same next Sunday evening. May 13. Resolved, that the Temperance People would act wisely by putting three or four compa- nies on the road next season, as the theater should and would be, by producing such plays, the most effectual instructor. Resolved, that we are convinced that Theatrical Managers could make more money by producing this Temperance Tragedy than by any thing else. Resolved, that we know Dr. S. M. Landis to be equal to any Author or Actor now living notwithstanding the false statements of the newspapers. Resolved, that we solicit the people to look into this important matter for themselves, and not be misled by the press; because, too many persons are kept in bondage to ignorance by believing what incompetent and unprincipled editors and reporters print. Resoived, that we honor Dr. Landis for his indomitable energy, youthful buoyancy, plain healthful habits of life, scientific profundity and powerful work in the grandest Reform on earth. Resolved, that it is too late in the day of scientific progress to misrepresent and persecute our most able and useful reformers ! Miss MATTIE VanRENSSELAER, Secretary. THOS. STODD, President.