Page:Dick Turpin trial.djvu/2

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The following Account of Turpin was communicated to the Publiſhers by Mr. Robert Appleford, of Beverley, Clerk of the Peace for the Eaſt-Riding of the County of York; to whoſe indefatigable Care and Diligence the Publick are very much oblig'd, for this notorious Offender's being brought to Juſtice.

"ABOUT two Years ago, a Perſon came out of Lincolnſhire to Brough, near Market-Cave in Yorkſhire, and ſtaid for some Time at the Ferry-House in Brough, and ſaid his Name was John Palmer; and he went from thence ſometimes to live at North-Cave, and Sometimes at Welton; and continued at theſe Places about fifteen or ſixteen Months, except ſuch Part of the Time as he went into Lincolnſhire to ſee his Friends, as he pretended, which in that Time he very often did, and frequently brought three or four Horſes back with him, which he uſed to ſell or exchange in Yorkſhire; and while he ſo lived at Brough, Cave, and Welton, he very often went out a Hunting and Shooting with ſeveral Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood; and in the Beginning of October last, as he was returning from Shooting, he ſaw one of his Landlord's Cocks in the Town-Street, which he ſhot at,
