Page:Dick Turpin trial.djvu/30

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Turpin's Confeſſion at his Execution

from the Lady a Watch, a Diamond Ring, one Guinea, and fifteen Shillings in Silver.

He likewiſe owned, that he was a Confederate with one King, who was executed in London ſome Time ſince; and that, once being very near taken, he fir'd a Piſtol among the Crowd, and by Miſtake ſhot the ſaid King into the Thigh, who was coming to reſcue him.

He alſo confeſs'd the Facts of which he was convicted; but ſaid, many Things had been laid to his Charge, of which he was innocent. Tho’ ’tis very probable he was guilty of ſeveral Robberies not here mentioned, yet: this was the whole Confeſſion that the Topſman could get from him.

F I N I S.