Page:Dick Turpin trial.djvu/6

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which Palmer rode on when he came to Beverley, to be ſtolen from them off Hickington Fenn in Lincolnshire. And, about four Months after he was committed to York Caſtle, he was diſcovered to be TURPIN, the Notorious Highwayman, by a Letter being intercepted, which he had wrote to his Siſter in Eſſex.

Since the printing of the Edition, a Gentleman of undoubted Veracity, communicated to us the following Particular. Having been at Newgate to ſee Gordon the famous Highwaynzan ſometime ſince executed, he declared to him that he had diſcloſed a Scheme to Turpin for ſeizing the Government's Money ordered to he paid to the Ships at Portſmouth, which was to have been atchived in the following Manner: Gordon's Deſign was by him, his Brother, Turpin, and another, to have attacked the Guard in a very narrow Paſs, with Sword and Piſtol in Hand; but Turpin's Courage failing him, the Enterprize dropt, on which Gordon ſaid he was ſure Turpin would be guilty of many cowardly Actions, and Die like a Dog.