Page:Dickens - A Child s History of England, 1900.djvu/517

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"Yes; he is there by the fire. What do you want with him?"

"You must come with us, Mr. Wilfred—nay, it's no use showing fight," cried a burly, muscular fellow, laying his hand heavily on his shoulder; for Wilfred had turned deadly pale, and had attempted to shake off the man's grasp.

"What is it for?" asked Hester, with her eyes on her son.

"God knows—I don't," said he, quietly.

"Mr. Rigby was robbed and murdered last night, as he came home from Leeford Fair, and suspicion points at your lad, mistress," said the man, who still held his hand on Wilfred's shoulder.

Hester gave utterance to no frantic denials; she laughed even.

"Why he was at home by this hour, yesterday, in this very room, at his tea. Wasn't he, Jessy?" said she, turning to the maid-servant; who, with a countenance of alarm, stood by the door.

The girl said "Yes"; then hesitated, and said she didn't see young master when she brought in tea.

"I was upstairs," said Wilfred.

"You had better keep that for another time and place ; you must go with us now," observed the man.

Wilfred made no resistance. His mother brought him his coat and helped him to put it on.

"Say thou didn't do it, Willy—only say so I " whispered she, fiercely.

"I didn't, mother: so help me God!" was his fervent reply.

"You hear him!" cried Hester, turning to the men; "you hear him! He never lied in his days. He might have killed Rigby in a fair fight, or in hot blood; but he is not the lad to lie in wait at night, to murder his enemy and rob him! He is not a thief, this son of mine!"

The officers urged their departure. Wilfred was placed in the vehicle which had been brought for the purpose, and driven off. "I'll follow thee, Willy!" cried his mother. "Keep up thy heart; they can't touch thee! Good-bye, my poor lad!" They were out of hearing, and Hester turned back into the house, cursing Nelly Graceless in her heart.